Thriving societies in which individuals have the opportunity to pursue and realize their fullest potential through transformative learning, social development, and personal growth.
About the Press
The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) is the premier international organization focusing on providing a platform for the unique perspective of Muslim thinkers, scholars, and practitioners in the humanities and social sciences. For almost 40 years, IIIT has been a voice for moderation, diversity, and modernity in Islamic thought, with an emphasis on concepts such as co-existence and building the capacity of communities to address their common global and local challenges. Today, IIIT is the voice of the Muslim intellectual tradition in the west, and a champion for scholarship, knowledge, and learning in Muslim societies across the world.
IIIT was established in 1981 as a U.S. non-profit 501(c)(3) non-denominational organization. Its headquarters are in Herndon, Virginia, in the suburbs of Washington, D.C.
To conduct and disseminate educational research to empower Muslim Societies with data-driven recommendations for transformative education policy and practice.
- Conduct evidence-based research in advancing education in Muslim societies
- Disseminate research through publication and translation, teaching, policy recommendations, and strategic engagements
- Explore educational issues at the intersection of policy, pedagogy, curricula, governance, and evaluation of the impact
- Conduct theoretical research to renew the role of Islamic thought as an impetus to advancing education in Muslim societies